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What is dental bone graft?

A dental bone graft adds volume and density to your jaw in areas where boneloss has occured.


Autogenous - taken from your own body, highly predictable

Allograft - Purchased from human tissue bank (donated)

Zenograft - taken from animals, cost effective, cheaper

Alloplast - synthetic

How it works?

Acts like a scaffold on which your own bonetissue can grow and regenerate.

Sometimes mixed with PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma to promote healing and tissue regenerate.

Who needs dental bone grafts?

A person with boneloss in the jaws usually needs bonegrafts.

Extracted tooth - socket preservation

Plan to replace missing tooth with dental implant

Ridge augmentation

Areas of bone loss due to periodontal diseases

Sinus lift

In most cases bonegraft and dental implants must heal completely before the actual implant is placed. Because, each person is unique recovery time varies. Sometimes bone graft and dental implant are placed at the same time and sometimes decided on case by case basis.

How Painful is a dental bone graft?

Most people feel little to no pain. Just follow the post operative instructions and medications carefully.

Can Dental bonegraft fail?

High successful rates

Failure is possiblity - Those who smoke or have certain medical conditions

Signs of failure include:

Pain or swelling that worsens after the first week

Pus or drainage from the bonegraft site

Gum recession (When the gums pull away from the teeth)

No Improvement in jawbone volume.

Risk and Complications

Generally some risk may happen include:


Heavy bleeding

Nerve damage

Complications from anesthesia


Usually back to normal with in a week or too. complete healing can take between 3 and 9 months sometimes long here. depends upon several factors including type of graft, the area in which the graft was placed and your bodies healing capacity.

When to call the doctor?

Call your dentist if you experience:

Severe pain

Increased swelling

Pus around the grafting site

Fever of 1.1 degree or higher