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Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are small threaded posts that replace missing teeth roots. Most dental implants are titanium, but some are ceramic. Both of these materials are safe and biocompatible (friendly to the tissues inside of your mouth).

A dental implant is used to support one or more false teeth. It is a titanium screw that can replace the root of a tooth when it fails. Just like a tooth root, it is placed into the jawbone.

Dental implants

Dental implants are surgically placed in a jawbone where they serve as the roots of the missing teeth because the titanium in the implants fuses with your jawbone the implants wontslip become osseo-integrated and the implant materials can't decay like your own teeth.

In general dental implants may be right for you if you :

Have one or more missing teeth

Have a jawbone that reach full growth

Have adequate bone to secure the implants or able to have bonegraft

Have healthy oral tissues

Don't have health conditions that affect bone healing or unable to wear dentures

Want to improve your speech and aesthetics

Don't smoke tobacco and alcohol

Risk :

Like any surgery dental implant surgery poses some health risks. Problems are rare usually minor and easily treated.

Infection at the implant site

Injury or damage to surrounding structure such as other teeth or blood vessels

Nerve damage which can cause pain, numbness and tingling in your natural teeth gums,lips,chin

Sinus problem sometimes protrude into the sinus cavities

Fracture of the jaw

Failure of the implant

Failure of the bone graft

The above complications cant be predicted earlier

How you prepare ?

Thorough evaluation to prepare a process including:

1. Comprehensive dental examination

Dental X-rays, 3D images, CBCT, models of teeth and jaws

2. Review of your medical history

Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and any medications you take including prescription and OTC and supplements and if have heart or orthopaedic implants your doctor may prescribe antibiotic before surgery to help prevent infection.

3.Treatment Plan

This plan takes into account factors such as how many teeth you need replacement and the conditions of your jawbone and remaining teeth.

What You can expect?

Dental implant surgery is usally an outpatient surgery.(Day care surgery performed in stages,with healing time between procedures)

The procedure involves multiple steps:

Local anesthetics

Damage tooth removal

Jawbone preparation(bone grafting when needed)

Dental implant placement

Bone growth and healing

Abutment placement

Artificial tooth replacement

The entire process can take many months from start to finish, is devoted to healing and waiting for the growth of new bone so depends upon your situation the specific procedure done or the material used certains steps to can sometimes be combine.

When bone grafting is required?

If your jawbone isn't thick enough or too soft you may need bone grafting. to support the implant and more solid base. Several bone grafting material available in the market.

When bone graft surgeries are performed have to wait for longer period to complete healing sometimes several months to grow new bone.

Sometimes bone grafts taken from the individual him/herself.

Various brands of implants

Nowadays variety of companies available in the market delivering, quality, durability, innovation and affordability at varying degrees.

We are providing top brand implants to our patient as below:

Nobel biocare

Zimmer biomet



Osstem Implants

Root Implants


At Home care

Brushing - Soft manual tooth brush

Floss - Water irrigation (hydro floss)

Mouth wash - Chlorhexidine

Professional care

Scaling - Plastic instruments

Polishing - Rubber cub with non abrasive polishing paste

Regular periodic checkup with x-ray and periodontal status

Occlusal evaluation

The occlusal status of the implant and its prosthesis must be evaluated on a routine basis any dishormonies seen to be corrected to prevent abutment screw loosening, implant failure and prosthetic failure.

Radiographic evaluation

A mean crestal bone loss more than 1.5mm during first year after loading and more than 0.2mm per year there after proposed as one of the major success criteria.

Long term preservation of peri-implant crestal bone height is extremely crucial

Every 3-4 months IOPA radiograph to be taken to assess crestal bone changes during the first year

If no fresh changes radiographic examination to be schedule every 3 years

If crestal changes evident radiograph taken every 6-8 months until the bones stable for two consecutive periods besides stress reduction and hygiene modification.Clinical implant mobility to be monitor and regular periodic 6 month visit.

Various situations

Extraction with immediate implant placement

Full mouth rehabilitation

Either maxilla or mandible arch



Over Dentures