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Crown & Bridge

Crown and Bridges

Each procedure restores missing teeth. Which option is the best depends on the needs of each individual patients and the subsequent recommendations of their dentist. Here are some of the positives of each.

A crown, or a “cap,” fits over an existing tooth. It requires restoration due to deep decay, or a fracture, or a crack. At least three units make up a bridge: two crowns (abutments) fused to a pontic, or fake tooth, that replaces a missing tooth.

There are varieties of Crown and Bridges:

1. PFM(Porcelain Fused Metals)

They are aesthetically match the natural tooth shade.

They have a layer of porcelain on the top and metal to the next.

They have strength and durability simply called metallic crowns.

2. All ceramic crowns

The all ceramic crowns and bridges look almost natural tooth.

More suitable for front tooth.

Provide esthetic outcome.

They are mostly made up of zirconia and bio-compatible.

They are durable and strong material.

3. Metal crowns

Include gold alloy, base metal alloy.

It used for posteriors.

Zirconium Crown & Bridges

PFM Crown & Bridges

Crown & Bridges