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Dr.(capt) S.GOKULANATHAN Obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgeon (BDS) from Government Dental College at Chennai and he completed his Master Degree from the same college(MDS Periodontist).

He is a leading Dental Surgeon and renowned Periodontist, for the past 30 years and a busy practioner.

He had worked in Indian army and became captain in Army.

Then he started doing Dental practice in Tiruvannamalai for the past 30 years. He had vast experience and depth of dental knowledge & clinical practice.

He is running the hospital great successfully.

He had worked as Professor and HOD in VINAYAKA MISSION DENTAL COLLEGE at SALEM for morethan 15 years.

Then he became the Principal of Vivekanandha Dental College for women at Tiruchengcode. Now he is the Dean of this College.

His working & Teaching Experience tells that how much he dedicated and scarified his life in Dental field for the past 30 years.


Worked as captain in Indian Army.

Professor / HOD in Vinayaka Mission Dental College.

Past principal of Vivekanandha Dental College for women.

Dean of Vivekanandha Dental College for women.


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